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PSA 06/28/24 City of Las Vegas Decides to Ease Restrictions on Non-Essential Businesses


June 28, 2024


City of Las Vegas Decides to Ease Restrictions on Non-Essential Businesses

After careful consideration, the City of Las Vegas will be easing restrictions on non-essential businesses except for car washes and laundromats which will remain closed.

All other non-essential businesses MAY REOPEN with the following conditions:

• Restaurants will be required to use paper plates, cups and plastic ware to avoid dishwashing.

• Water should be served to guests only upon request. We encourage the use of bottled water.

We are asking residents to still abide to the following to maintain water conservation:

• Limit shower times.

• Toilets should only be flushed only when absolutely necessary.

• Strictly limit the use of dishwashers, washing machines and other high-water usage appliances.

• Do not fill up bathtubs, large containers or swimming pools.

• No outdoor watering with potable water.

• Do not fill up recreational vehicles (RVs) with water.

• No RV dumping due to high-water usage.

• Hotels and motels must institute linen and towel reuse with customers staying multiple nights.

All residents and businesses must continue to conserve water so we can sustain all non-essential business operations and avoid reverting back to a closed state. It is crucial that water usage not be abused or stockpiled beyond need. We are also working to organize a bulk water distribution to help alleviate additional pressure on our water reserves. All water consumption will be monitored. Water users with high usage may be issued a citation, receive fines or water service shut-off for non-compliance per Ordinance 440-26 Water Conservation.

We thank you all for being patient as we navigate through this challenging time

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