318 Moreno Street
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Phone: (505) 425-7504
Fax: (505) 425-6346

Command Staff
Commander of Field Op's
Elias Rael
Commander of Investigations / Records
Matias Apodaca
Office of Professional Standards
Office of Professional Standards
Lieutenant David Lautalo
(505) 425-7504 ext. 3122
Drug Tip Hotline
505-425-7504 ext. 3104
Administrative Staff
Raelene D. Gonzales
Office Manager
(505) 454-1401 ext. 3115
Finance Specialist
Grant Administrator

Records Division
Customer Service Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call the Records Department to make an appointment
to pick up reports between those hours
PH: 505-425-7504 Ext. 4201
Fax 505-425-0453
Records Division Clerks
Eugene Cleaver- ecleaver@lasvegasnm.gov
Estrella Martinez - estrellam@lasvegasnm.gov
Dani Cartee - dcartee@lasvegasnm.gov

Evidence Division
Customer service hours
Open M-F 8 am to 5 pm excluding all City holidays
Closed for Lunch from 12 noon to 1 pm
505-425-7504 Ext. 3128
All property Releases by appointment only.
Destruction of Unclaimed Property Notice
Property not claimed within 30 days of notice will be destroyed pursuant to
NM State Law Section 29-1-1.
Evidence Technician
Patrick Torres - ptorres@lasvegasnm.gov
Street Crimes Unit
505-425-7504 Ext. 4202
Drug Tip Hotline
505-425-7504 ext. 3104
Sgt. Ryan Tafoya - rtafoya@lasvegasnm.gov
Inv. Gerardo Lozano - glozano@lasvegasnm.gov
Inv. Jorden Ellis - jellis@lasvegasnm.gov

LVPD Dispatch
PH: 505-425-7504 Option 1
Fax: 505-425-5046
Communications Manager
Dispatch Staff
Glorianna Baca
Antionette Russell arussell@lasvegasnm.gov
AnnMarie Armijo
Brianna Gutierrez bgutierrez@lasvegasnm.gov
For job postings please refer to the City of Las Vegas Job Openings
The Las Vegas Police Department wishes to express its sincere appreciation and gratitude to all retired LVPD personnel for their dedicated service to the department, the City of Las Vegas, and its residents!